
Code and artifact repository

Right data, right place, right time

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Set your teams up for success

Faster access to artifacts with the most recent, up-to-date data—regardless of location, time, or data format (file, object)—means your engineers and designers can amp up their productivity. Everybody wins.

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Deliver faster, deliver confidence

Rest easy. Our solutions provide the robust security you demand for distributed file sharing among engineers across remote sites—without decreasing velocity.

Focus on giving your business the competitive edge that comes with getting to market faster—without stressing over security and data assurance across geographies.

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Deliver code and artifacts to the right place at the right time with third-party integrations from NetApp

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JFrog Artifactory

JFrog Artifactory integration with NetApp® StorageGRID® allows developers to change and share code at any stage of development.

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Atlassian BitBucket

NetApp integration with Atlassian BitBucket delivers scalability, collaboration, and disaster-recovery for Atlassian data-center tools.

Understanding Trident: The Benefits of Persistent Storage on NetApp

Take an up-close look by test driving a hands-on lab.

Take the next step—request a demo

A NetApp representative will contact you to discuss your requirements and schedule a customized demo.

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